
Farmárik, s.r.o.

Bolešov 448
018 53 Bolešov


Business manager: Ing. Jaroslav Kvasnica
Phone: 00421 905 755 895
Mail: info@vinylfence.eu

Supervisory and supervisory authority:

SOI Inspectorate for the Trenčín region
Hurbanova 59, 911 01 Trenčín
Department of Supervision
tel. no. 032/640 01 09
fax no. 032/640 01 08

Company headquarters and billing information:

Farmárik, s.r.o
Bolesov 448
018 53 Bolesov

ID: 36745057
VAT number: 2022335249
VAT number: SK2022335249

The company is registered in the commercial register of the District Court of Trenčín, in the section: s.r.o., in insert 17573/R

Google map: Bolešov 109

Inquiry form

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